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Saturday, 9 August 2014

I am  not a food blogger. But I do love to cook and eat and talk about food and so on, so maybe the occasional post about it won't hurt?

Like this one...


About a yard of rosemary (that is, roughly six six-inch sprigs picked from the bush)
A lemon
4 chicken thighs, with skin and bones.

Pre-heat the oven to 200C, or 180C for fan ovens. (I am not sure what the Fahrenheit or gas equivalents are - but if, like I did, you bought a pack of chicken thighs from the supermarket, use whatever it tells you).

You need a roasting dish big enough to take the thighs without them touching. Wash the rosemary, and tear it into pieces. Scatter it over the bottom of the roasting dish. Peel the lemon and put the peel with the rosemary. Put the thighs into the dish, cut the lemon into quarters, and squeeze the juice over the chicken. Put the squeezed bits of lemon in between the chicken pieces.

Roast it for as long as it needs - probably about half an hour.

You could use the same method with other chicken portions, or use different herbs (thyme would be good). This isn't exactly a recipe - more a method - and I am tempted to end with the Medieval injunction to 'so messe it forth'!

I hope you enjoy it.

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